Urban Transportation
Within an urban environment, transport solutions must first and foremost support liveability and productivity. High functioning transport systems are the ones no-one notices – enabling people and goods to move around efficiently across a variety of modes, and minimising the negative impacts on people and on the environment. We identify opportunities to optimise urban transportation outcomes, including wider economic, environmental and wellbeing outcomes, particularly through enhanced public transport solutions and demand management measures, and assess the feasibility and desirability of potential responses.
We have deep expertise in the urban transportation sector with a particular focus on the following areas:
Public Transport Systems Planning and Design including Rapid Transit System Planning (BRT and LRT) and Station and Interchange Planning and Design.
Planning, design, operation, management and policy aspects of modern transport systems.
Transport pricing including public transport fares, tolling, road user charges (RUC), congestion charging and road pricing.
Public Transport Operations advisory - helping with both fleet operations and contracting services.
Network and Service Planning and Ticketing and Fare Systems.
Integrated Sustainable Transport Master Planning.
Transit Oriented Development and Transit Precinct Planning.
Using analytics and modelling to assist agencies with transport planning and decision making.
Feasibility studies, business cases, programme integration and investment support across the transport sector.

Case Studies
Christchurch Central Recovery Plan – While the loss of life and livelihoods from the earthquakes created huge change for the people of Canterbury, it also provided the opportunity to ‘recover better’.
Investment Logic Map (ILM) – development, supported by workshop facilitation.
Road pricing and toll roads – A working group convened by the Ministry of Transport produced a series of reports under the heading “The Congestion Question”.