Kalimena’s service offering

Kalimena offers analysis, strategy, support and policy for infrastructure, investments, operations and funding and finance.


Kalimena is a Tier 3 consultancy service provider on the All-of-Government (AoG) panel.


Infrastructure Investment Systems Advisorystrategy design and policy 

We help public sector entities overhaul investment strategies, systems and frameworks when these are proving no longer fit for purpose, and failing to deliver the best outcomes for people and communities. We support clients deliver the vision and guidance needed in large infrastructure programmes and projects. 

Kalimena delivers the full suite of services to give our clients comfort that their infrastructure investment systems function well and result in good investment decisions. We have extensive experience in reviewing and developing Infrastructure investment frameworks, strategies and policies.

Infrastructure investment lifecycledecision-making support 

We help public and private sector clients develop business cases to fully understand the investment need, evaluate possible responses and options and provide documentation to support decision-makers approve funding and delivery. We help government agencies stay focused on the most important public goals or objectives – the “true north” they are targeting. Kalimena delivers services ranging from ILM workshops and feasibility studies to major business cases. 

Commercial procurementsupport 

We help government agencies and Crown entities to evaluate and design their models for contracting with the private sector to deliver services and infrastructure, always with a focus on achieving best value for the taxpayer through appropriately balancing risk and reward.  We help government agencies design best value procurement approaches including procurement advice to optimise commercial outcomes by balancing risk and reward, developing the Commercial Case as part of a business case and Public-private partnership procurement advice. 

Operationsmanagement and reporting 

From operating models to reporting, Kalimena offers support and advice in many operations management areas.  We can define processes, manage transactions and data all while managing risks. We provide support and advice in operating model development and design, operational procedure definition, operations management strategy and risk strategy, business process management, and operational reporting and monitoring frameworks. 

Financialoptimisation and funding 

We help public and private sector clients analyse the financial implications associated with investing in, and operating infrastructure.  Funding investments and operating costs often also needs innovative thinking, particularly where revenues do not cover costs.  We can assist with analysing innovative funding approaches.  We deliver funding and financial optimisation services including strategic financial analysis and funding advice, at portfolio, programme and project levels, completing the Financial case, as part of a business case, funding needs analysis, and funding model evaluation and reshaping the finance function to be fit for the future. 

Portfolio, programme and projectgovernance and review 

We help government agencies, Crown entities and Special Purpose Vehicles design and implement fit-for-purpose governance arrangements at a portfolio, programme and project level.  Successful delivery of investments, and realisation of investment objectives and benefits starts with effective governance arrangements.  When projects fail, 9 times out of 10, it is due to poor governance.