Infrastructure investment lifecycle decision-making support
We help public and private sector clients develop business cases to fully understand the investment need, evaluate possible responses and options and provide documentation to support decision-makers approve funding and delivery. We help government agencies stay focused on the most important public goals or objectives – the “true north” they are targeting.
We deliver services ranging from feasibility studies to major business cases to support - and in some cases re-confirm - investment decision-making, including:
ILM workshop facilitation (accredited) and Strategic Case for Change thinking
Developing a compelling narrative to sit alongside the investment case.
Designing economic evaluation models, based on sound intervention logic. This includes Cost-Benefit model development. Economic Case for change thinking.
Defining and understanding the range of benefits and costs, working with specialist technical advisors whether these be economists or engineers.
Supporting or leading programme/project business case development and feasibility studies.
Government business cases using The Treasury’s Better Business CaseTM model.
Expert IQA reviews of business cases and feasibility studies including as peer reviewers.

Case Studies
Investment Logic Map (ILM) – development, supported by workshop facilitation
Get in touch to find out more.
Kalimena’s service offering