City deals or amalgamation? The answer may be both
In this article published in the Sunday Star Times we cover the following key points:
Belt-tightening by the Government suggests a reluctance to fund local councils' wish-lists.
The deal must include all the parties necessarily involved to advance economic prosperity in a city or region, not just the government players.
Focus on high-quality growth and jobs, leveraging competitive advantages.
Should we pursue city deals or reconsider council amalgamations? Or controversially, should deals be contingent on amalgamation?
City deals should be given time and space to develop. A framework, to be released soon by the Government, should seek to be flexible.
Starting slow and building seems sensible. Picking those regions that can get their act together across councils, iwi and business and collectively understand their critical advantages, will help sort the wheat from the chaff.
Read the full article here.